Food Pigment

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Butterfly Pea Flower Powder

Product Name: Butterfly Pea Flower Powder

Appearance: Dark Blue Powder

Used Part: Butterfly Pea Flower

Specifications: 450 Mesh

Minimum Order Quantity: 2KG

Application: Food, Drinks, Superfood

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Bule Butterfly Pea Flower Powder Wholesale

Butterfly pea flower powder is derived from dried flowers of clitoria ternatea. It is the one of natural blue pigments, used in various of food and drinks. And it is free of calories, fat and sugar. 

Butterfly pea flower powder in 450 mesh has great water solubility. When it dissolves in an acidic water solution, the color will change from purple to pink, even red; when it dissolves in an alkaline water solution, the color will be green.


General Information
Product Name:Butterfly Pea Flower PowderPart Used:Flower
Physical and Chemical Property
AppearanceFine PowderConformsVisual
ImpurityNo Visible ImpurityConformsVisual
Particle Size≥95% through 450 meshConformsLight Scattering Method
Residue on Ignition≤8g/100g3.50g/100g3g/550℃/4hrs
Loss on Drying≤8g/100g3.01g/100g3g/105℃/2hrs
IdentificationConforms with TLCConformsTLC
Ingredients100% Flower of Butterfly PeaConforms
Residue Analysis
Heavy Metals≤10mg/kgConforms
Lead (Pb)≤3.00mg/kgConformsICP-MS
Arsenic (As)≤2.00mg/kgConformsICP-MS
Cadmium (Cd)≤1.00mg/kgConformsICP-MS
Mercury (Hg)≤0.50mg/kgConformsICP-MS
Microbiological Tests
Total Plate Count≤10000cfu/g500cfu/gAOAC 990.12
Total Yeast & Mold≤300cfu/g50cfu/gAOAC 997.02
E.Coli.Negative/10gConformsAOAC 991.14
SalmonellaNegative/10gConformsAOAC 998.09
S.aureusNegative/10gConformsAOAC 2003.07
Product Status
Conclusion:Sample Qualified.
Shelf Life:24 months under the conditions below and in its original packaging.
Retest date:Retest every 24 months under the conditions below and in its original packaging.
Storage:Store in a cool, dry place away from Moisture, Light.

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