Food Pigment

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Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin

Product Name: Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin

Appearance: Dark Green Liquid or Powder

Specifications: Powder 99%,  Liquid 12%-15%

Minimum Order Quantity: 1KG

Product Details

Chlorophyll is a natural green pigment which is extracted from natural green plants mulberry leaf. Sodium copper chlorophyllin is stabilized chlorophyll, which is prepared from chlorophyll by saponification and replacement of magnesium atom with copper and sodium. It is dark green powder, easily soluble in water but slightly soluble in alcohol and chloroform.

Sodium copper chlorophyllin powder can be used in food, cosmetics and daily-use chemical raw material.



Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin

Certificate of Analysis

Physical Analysis
DescriptionDark Green Fine PowderComplies
AssayChlorophyl 95%95.12%
Mesh Size100 % pass 80 meshComplies
Ash≤ 5.0%2.85%
Loss on Drying≤ 5.0%2.85%
Chemical Analysis  
Heavy Metal≤ 10.0 mg/kgComplies
Pb≤ 2.0 mg/kgComplies
As≤ 1.0 mg/kgComplies
Hg≤ 0.1 mg/kgComplies
Microbiological Analysis  
Residue of PesticideNegativeNegative
Total Plate Count≤ 1000cfu/gComplies
Yeast&Mold≤ 100cfu/gComplies

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